Monday, December 3, 2012

It was a great run, but there are problems

I cannot put in words how twitch community is amazing, how i feel good streaming, and how much i would love to be succesful in it. I want to promote indie games, corporate games and even write games, but that needs money and time. 

First one is slowly stopping to be a problem, the second one is more and likley the reason of suspension. My job consumes me, and i'm happy that I'm needed there, I'm happy to do great things the way I've planned them, with ppl that are passionate about programming as I am.

Twitch is my type of keeping the social life and beeing sane after a hard break up. It continued even after You helped me to stand on my feet, even if You weren't aware of that. I've worked hard, bought alot of equipment, software and even moved only for a better internet connection. I want the best quality for You guys.

Now I'm in a moment when I need to push some things to an end, i need to prepare myself for the ludum dare challange, I need to stabilize my work projects, also I've gained alot of weight during the streaming period and thank to some higer power i have an insane luck in health. Also I'm looking for some accent training, after 6 months my accent improved alot, but i think getting some professional help will not be bad. I'm ending an period when you can expect a stream, streams will continue, but it may be one weekly/monthly. More likley a dev stream of polishrad game. I will still support other streamers by watching them on a daily period. I cannot write in words how wonderful and huge was the support from You.

See you then and thank you for fantastic 6 months of great adventure!

Maciej LichoĊ„ - "Mironix Gaming"

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